Press conference of Filippo Antonelli

July 19, 2024

This morning, VFC Sporting Director & General Manager Filippo Antonelli, spoke at a press conference.

Filippo Antonelli:
"As a first thing I would like to emphasize the large number of season tickets signed in these first days of the campaign, it has really pleased us and we hope to fill the Penzo as much as possible with arancioneroverdi hearts. This enthusiasm gives us courage and confidence.

In these weeks two important players have arrived, Doumbia and Oristanio. Two guys on whom important investments have been made, confirming the desire to bring project players to Venice.

The “waiting” period at this moment is given by the market and our own strategy, because we deliberately gave the coach time to evaluate the roster and individual players, and then make targeted purchases.
In the midfield we will definitely make some operations, however, we have to wait for the right moment.
Now there are many market rumors, but our will is to keep the players who were a reference in last season.

Right now our intention is to take guys who can be a value in the future for Venezia, but also who are ready, or who have had positive experiences in Serie A.

We are trying to make some important shots, but respecting our parameters knowing that there is a lot of competition. At this moment Venezia is liked both as a reality and for the enthusiasm that we have.
In attack we have two players who we think can do well and we would like to flank them with others who have speed, technique and strength.
Our will is to seize all opportunities, trying to close priorities even though the market is still long.

The goal is to give the coach a team with different solutions, with players able to do double duty and without redundancies so that everyone can have a chance to express themselves."