Press conference of Antonelli and Molinaro

September 18, 2023

Filippo Antonelli, Sporting Director & General Manager, and Technical Director Cristian Molinaro spoke in front of the microphones this afternoon at the Ca' Venezia press room to take stock of the situation at the end of the summer transfer market session.

Filippo Antonelli:
"First of all, I would like to thank President Duncan Niederauer and the other owners of the Club, who put their trust in me and have been very present in these months, even if not physically.
It has been a long market, which has kept us busy for almost three months, and for that I want to thank all my staff starting with Cristian Molinaro, Gianleonardo Neglia and all the people involved.

I would also like to thank our fans, the attendance at the Penzo and away is constantly increasing and this can only please us; we want to involve them more and more by creating ad hoc initiatives in the area as we are already doing. Also thanks to their continuous support, the image and brand of Venezia FC are growing nationally and internationally.

The goal of this market has always been to restructure the team while maintaining a solid base of last year's group and always following a certain economic balance for the sustainability of the club.
New signings, as well as confirmations, always fill me with joy. It is obvious that the renewal of Joel Pohjanpalo was a very important operation, as he was one of the players who was most appreciated last season, but in general we are very happy with all the guys who stayed, I don't like to make too many distinctions.“

Cristian Molinaro:
"Definitely compared to last seasons there has been a process of reorganization of the club, especially since the arrival of Director Antonelli. The relegation from Serie A was definitely a hard blow for everyone and it was not easy to handle. In that situation, change had become practically necessary given the aftermath that relegation had left behind.

Also thanks to the arrival of Mister Vanoli, it was possible to recreate the right environment to restart a path that, after a false start, ended in a positive way last season. Undoubtedly the confirmations of the coach, who had brought a breath of fresh air, and that of the hard core of last season's team were fundamental and the results in my opinion will come.“