Bertinato: “It was a great feeling”

October 10, 2023

This morning, Brazilian goalkeeper Bruno Bertinato spoke at the press conferenze in Ca’ Venezia:

"I definitely felt sorry for Jesse Joronen, it is never nice to see a teammate get injured but I can say that I am very satisfied with my performance and especially with the victory against Parma. It was a great thrill for me to be able to play this great game, with so many fans who created a wonderful atmosphere. The enthusiasm around us and the drive of our people helps us a lot, President Niederauer is right, it is no coincidence that all three goals were scored under the Curva Sud. It gives me great pleasure to be a kind of idol of the orange and green fans, perhaps they recognized and appreciated the fact that I never gave up and waited patiently for my chances. The club itself, by renewing my contract, has shown that it has faith in me and this can only please me, it was an appreciated gesture.

When I arrived here I had to relearn how to be a goalkeeper, former trainer Massimo Lotti taught me so many things because in Italy the style of play and the technique of a goalkeeper are completely different than in Brazil. Over the years I think I have changed so much, I have been able to mature as a soccer player and as a person on and off the field.
We are a good group, every day we train hard as if there is always a game coming up. The compliments from Coach Vanoli last Saturday made me very happy, the role of goalkeeper is complicated because there are usually well-defined hierarchies but you know that you have to be ready at all times in case of need. When I make a mistake or suffer a goal, my current trainer Marco Zuccher is always ready to reassure me, I have a very good relationship with him. I was a little surprised by the departure of Spezia and Sampdoria because they are strong teams that are in the same situation as we were last year. In Serie B there are many important teams with structured rosters, you have to be careful always. A dream I've always cherished is to one day get to play for Brazil's national team and hear the Champions League anthem, which always got me excited when I listened to it as a kid.“