Venezia FC guest of the FIFA Women's World Cup Trophy Tour

May 17, 2023

On May 16, the Municipality of Venice had the pleasure of hosting the Italian leg of the FIFA Women's World Cup Trophy Tour, with the participation of Venezia FC. The trophy of the next FIFA Women's World Cup, staged between Australia and New Zealand from July 20, 2023 onwards, is currently touring all of the 32 countries represented in the competition.

The Italian leg, organized thanks to the collaboration of the FIGC, saw the trophy displayed to the public in St. Mark's Square on the afternoon of May 16. Kicking off the event in the morning, in the splendid setting of the Aula Magna of the Ateneo Veneto, were addresses by the ambassadors of Australia and New Zealand, the deputy mayor of Venice Andrea Tomaello, the coach of the Italian National Women's team Milena Bertolini, FIGC Secretary General Marco Brunelli and, for Venezia FC, board members Iván Córdoba and Douglas Fay.

Also in attendance for the club were the Women's First Team, led by Head of Women Grazia Trentin, as well as a delegation from the Youth Sector.

Iván Córdoba:

"For us it is a great honor to hold an event like this here in Venice, we like to think that these opportunities give so many girls the chance to dream of their future in the sport, reaching further than they could hope. Now is a really good time for women's football, and at Venezia FC we have set ourselves the goal of giving our girls the platform they deserve, with both FIFA and FIGC moving in the same direction. We want to inspire young girls around the world to pursue their dreams."

Douglas Fay:

"On behalf of the entire Venezia FC ownership, we are thrilled to be guests of the Trophy Tour. Representing Italy at an event like this is a source of pride for the club and the city of Venice. When we acquired ownership of Venezia six years ago, there were two initiatives that we were most eager to pursue: developing an academy for the Youth Sector, and developing a professional women's team. Six years later, Venezia FC Femminile is playing in the final of the Coppa Italia Serie C, demonstrating the commitment to our project and the successes achieved by our girls. Having the Women's World Cup trophy here in Venice will serve as an inspiration for all of them."

Andrea Tomaello:

“I am happy that this trophy came to Venice, because of what the city and the club are doing for sports and women's football in particular. Events such as the World Cup serve to encourage young people, boys and girls to get involved in sports”.

Marco Brunelli:

"Women's football is becoming an increasingly central reality in the sporting activity of this country and consequently for the Federation. Hosting the trophy is truly a source of pride and it is with great pleasure that I greet the ambassadors of the two countries that will host the competition, because Australia and New Zealand are nations that have a great sporting culture and a very strong bond with Italy and Italians, so we look forward to being there. The 2019 World Cup was an exciting adventure and a lot has changed since then, for the better. The movement is expanding, more female members, more female coaches, more female managers, and more female referees. With the spectacle that will be experienced this summer, we would like even more girls to be able to approach football."